Gabriel, Archangel of the West, Winter Solstice. Identified as the messenger. Associated with intuition and prophecy. |
Michael, Archangel of the South, Fall Equinox. Venerated as the great protector. Offering protection, strength and transformation. |

Bedouin, Middle Eastern High Priestess, New Moon. Associated with wealth, creativity, ferility, and new beginnings. |
White Thunder, Holy Man of the Lakota Sioux, Full Moon. Provides shamanic power, guardianship and planetary healing. |

Uriel, Archangel of the East, Summer Solstice. Providing innovative and transformational ideas. Abundance and prosperity.
Raphael, Archangel of the North, Spring Equinox. Associated with healing and rebirth. Inspires and heals on many vibrational levels. |